3/4 Zip Running Shirts for All Seasons: Ultimate Customization

The versatility of a 3/4 zip running shirt cannot be overstated. Perfect for all seasons, this shirt offers unparalleled customization for runners. Whether you're braving the cold morning air or needing a bit of extra ventilation on a warmer run, the 3/4 zip design provides the adaptability you need.

Ready for a running shirt that adapts to you? Design your own zip up running shirt with TeamGear Canada here. Discover the perfect blend of function and style.


Why Choose a 3/4 Zip Running Shirt?

The 3/4 zip running shirt stands out for its ability to offer temperature control in an instant. With just a quick zip, you can regulate your body temperature without breaking your stride. These shirts are made with high-quality, moisture-wicking fabrics, ensuring you stay dry and comfortable, no matter the weather.

3/4 zip running shirt with black and red designs

TeamGear Canada's customization options take your running shirt to the next level. Choose from our Dry Fit or Premium Sport fabrics, both of which are 100% polyester, moisture-wicking, and breathable. Customize your shirt to match your style or favourite colours, and even add high-visibility strips. High visibility strips help you stand out during those early morning or late evening runs.

3/4 sleeve running shirt with a v neck

If you prefer 3/4 sleeves instead of a zipper, ask us about customizing your sleeve lengths!


Design Features for Every Runner

Beyond the practical 3/4 zip, these shirts boast features every runner will appreciate. The semi-fitted design moves with you, offering freedom without excess fabric. Plus, with options for reflective elements, you can ensure you're seen in low-light conditions. TeamGear Canada also offers a range of sizes and customizable options to ensure your running shirt fits you perfectly.

3/4 zip running shirt with zipper neck


Looking to stand out on your next run? Let TeamGear Canada help with a custom running shirt designed by you, for you here.

A 3/4 zip running shirt is more than just a piece of athletic wear. It's a versatile tool in your running arsenal. With TeamGear Canada, you can customize your shirt to meet your exact needs. We're here to help you look and feel great, no matter where your runs take you.

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